Category Archives: International

16 Tet

Administrative Territorial Reform Report

Administrative-Territorial Reform_DP_Alb

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20 Shk

Opinion poll: DP candidates lead in 3 out of 6 municipalities.

DP candidates in Shkodra, Diber and Durres leads in opinion poll. The company Pipos Prishtina, one of the most famous in Kosovo for conducting pre-electoral polls, has conducted the next poll in Albania for the local by-elections of March 06. ...

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06 Shk

DP reacts after “Non-Grata” Dako involved in the Durres campaign

The DP candidate for the Durres by-elections of March 6th Mr. Luani Hoti has reacted after media published photo evidences where former Mayor Vangjush Dako was seen introducing current SP candidate Sako, although he has been designated as non grata ...

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04 Shk

DP offcially approves 6 candidates to run for the local by-elections of March 6th

The Democratic Party Presidency has  approved this Thursday on February 3rd, the candidates for the March 6 local by-elections. The names of the candidates for 5 municipalities were proposed by the branches of the Democratic Party, while for the Municipality ...

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04 Shk

DP formally submit registration to CEC for March 6th local by-elections

The Democratic Party has officially submitted a request for registration at the CEC for the upcoming local by-elections of March 6th. In a letter directed to the State Electoral Commissioner Mr. Celibashi, DP refers the President Decree No.13438 of 20.01.2022  ...

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04 Shk

Court recognize chairman Lulzim Basha as official representative of DP

REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA DISTRICT COURT OF TIRANA REGISTRATION OFFICE FOR POLITICAL PARTIES  Tirana, on January 24th 2022 VERIFICATION We verify that in the Registry of Political Parties of the Court District of Tirana, results that by order no.12 of 19.12.1990 ...

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04 Shk

DP reacts after CEC doesn’t register Berisha’s “Re-establishment Commission” alliance with SMI

The General Secretary of the Democratic Party, Gazment Bardhi, has reacted after the decision of the Central Election Commission not to register the “Re-establishment Commission” of Sali Berisha in the March 6 elections. In a Twitter post, Bardhi writes that ...

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31 Jan

EU Court of Audit: Albania fails on Rule of Law despite EU support

During the 2014-2020 period, the European Union disbursed an amount of 134 million euros to strengthen the rule of law, to improve governance by reducing corruption risks and to support implementation of the country’s inter-sector strategy against corruption. According to ...

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31 Jan

PD MP Çollaku asks Rama: How much did it cost your luxury air charter trip? Albanians deserve transparency, the government is corrupt.

DECLARATION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, MP KRESHNIK ÇOLLAKU Edi Rama continues to use Albanian money for his luxury. He accommodates in the most luxurious resorts in Europe, behaving as sheikhs with the money of Albanians, who today suffer from rising ...

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31 Jan

DP letter to EU Commission on “Possible infringement of EU law in the case of the Vlora Airport”

The Democratic Party has sent a letter to the European Commission regarding possible infringement of EU law in the case of Vlora Airport project. The letter was signed by the MP Jorida Tabaku, Chairman of the Committee on European Integration ...

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