
Public tenders’ abuses reach record high levels while national economy deteriorates due to increased taxation and bad fiscal policy.

Public tenders’ abuses reach record high levels while national economy deteriorates due to increased taxation and bad fiscal policy.

The Albanian Supreme State Audit Institution report for 2018 shows that the total amount of government misuse of public funds reaches a record high level of 1.7 billion euros. Out of this sum, 923 million euros is the economic damage ...

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After Opposition, IMF also against the suspicious creation of Albanian Investment Corporation.

The Rama government has submitted to Parliament a draft law establishing an Albanian Investment Corporation that would take over the responsibility to manage all public properties. The draft law sanctions that the AIC will be excluded from the Public Procurement ...

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UPRISE IN ALBANIA : Why is the Balkans burning?

UPRISE IN ALBANIA : Why is the Balkans burning? / 14.05.2019 / 16:15 Burning incidents, smoke bombs, riots on the streets, mass demonstrations every week: The Balkan state of Albania sinks into chaos. In recent days, there have been street battles in protests against the Albanian government ...

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Opposition presents concept of transitory government.

Opposition presents concept of transitory government.

The Democratic Party of Albania, and the Allies of the United Opposition presented on May 2nd, the “Platform for Free and Fair Elections”. The platform brings together several key objectives of what a transitional government should aim at, before any ...

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UPDATED - Senior state officials create false witness to protect Minister and downscale opposition serious accusations.

UPDATED - Senior state officials create false witness to protect Minister and downscale opposition serious accusations.

In this link, a detailed review of the materials enabling a full picture of the Xhafaj scandal, a ghastly abuse of power and political pressure that has led to a travesty of justice, convicting the denouncers of a crime ...

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File 339 : vote-buying, organised crime and drug trafficking, all in one …

File 339 : vote-buying, organised crime and drug trafficking, all in one …

Wiretappings proving the involvement of the socialist Mayor of Durres, Vangjush Dako, offering to criminal organizations state favours in exchange of influencing voters during the 2017 general elections, have been recently made public.   These interceptions are part of a Prosecution investigation, ...

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An escalating crisis and the risk for Albania to become an authoritarian criminal regime where no elections can be freely upheld.

An escalating crisis and the risk for Albania to become an authoritarian criminal regime where no elections can be freely upheld.

Albania is dangerously shifting towards an authoritarian criminal regime as organized criminal networks have successfully penetrated simultaneously among legislative, executive and judicial bodies. This unprecedented and extreme threat towards democratic standards, balance of powers and rule of law, finds its ...

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Today, in Tirana, on 23/04/2019, We, the united Opposition: I. Deeply concerned that for a long time Albania has been under the conditions of: o An increase of extreme poverty, unemployment, as well as life and property insecurity, which altogether have caused ...

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