Tags: "Economy"

13 Dhj

DP alternative for the 2018 budget

Within the parliamentary discussions for the 2018 budget, the Democratic Party of Albania has proposed a series of amendments targeting the current fiscal, health and educational policies, particularly regarding entrepreneurs, youth and vulnerable groups. The amendments have been backed by ...

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14 Nën

National economy reflecting high structural deficiencies as 47% of growth derives from construction alone: proof of massive cash-flow from underground economic activities

Albanian economic growth was at 4.06% (or 15.1 billion ALL) during the second quarter of 2017 based on data published by the official state statistical office. The growth is due largely to the impact of the construction sector which has ...

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07 Nën

Inequality gap widens as top 10% spends 3.5 times more than average Albanian family.

A recent survey on Albania’s inequality made by the state statistical institute INSTAT, has found that during 2016 the richest 10% of households spent 2.5 times more than the overwhelming 90% of Albanians. In the meantime, consumer prices grew 1.3 ...

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