Tags: "Edi Rama"

10 Jan

Njoftim për takimin e kryetarit Lulzim Basha në aktivin e Durrësit

Bashkohemi më 27 janar, sepse Edi Rama e ka humbur të drejtën e qeverisë. Kush i shërben krimit, nuk i shërben dot shqiptarëve.  Ne kërkojmë drejtësi sepse duam zgjedhje me drejtësi, jo blerje të pushtetit, drejtësi që ka guximin të ...

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09 Jan

Basha: Pakti mafioz mes Edi Ramës dhe Haki Çakos nuk do ta ketë jetën e gjatë! Shqiptarët po bashkohen për të rrëzuar qeverinë e krimit!

Kryetari i Partisë Demokratike Lulzim Basha ftoi qytetarët shqiptarë t’i bashkohen protestave të opozitës për të nxjerrë vendin nga udhëkryqi dhe kriza e rëndë ku e ka futur Edi Rama me bashkëqeverisjen e tij me krimin. Në takimin me qytetarët ...

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21 Dhj

Why the unilateral appointment of a Temporary General Prosecutor is a threat to the future of the Justice reform and Albanian democracy?

Why the unconstitutional nomination of a Temporary General Prosecutor may be a threat for the future of the Justice reform and of the Albanian democracy? A short reminder of the facts is necessary to understand the dangerous impasse Albania is ...

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21 Dhj

Detailed information on the election process of the Temporary General Prosecutor in Albania

On 18.12.2017, following the proposal of 28 MPs, the ruling majority of the National Assembly appointed a new Temporary General Prosecutor whose mandate is indefinite [1]. The appointment was approved by 69 votes in favor, out of 140 members of ...

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21 Nën

International Media including NewsWeek magazine labeling Albania as the first narco-state in Europe ever

In a series of investigative articles, several international media have raised serious accusations as of the reasons behind the recent surge of cannabis production and heavy drugs trafficking in Albania. These reports draw links between organized criminal networks and their ...

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14 Nën

Radio France International special report : “Is Albania becoming a narco-state in the heart of Europe?

As cannabis production and trafficking have exploded in this country for a few years now, the United States and European countries have begun to exert increasing pressure on the socialist government of Edi Rama. Albania has always been known for ...

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14 Nën

Rama on Albanian and Italian media: “You’re untrustworthy. Your licence is a hunting licence. You’re a trash can.”

PM Rama made the umpteenth declaration in recent weeks against the media and journalists during an event organised in Tirana in partnership with the European Union on Nov. 9, 2017. Rama made an indirect assumption that Albanian media licences could ...

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23 Tet

The country needs urgently a United Opposition Front to end Rama’s criminal kidnapping of Albanian democracy.

Statement of the Chairman of the Democratic party of Albania, Mr. Lulzim Basha : “The Italian anti-mafia has recently presented legal evidences of the drug and weapons trafficking carried by the Habilaj brothers’ gang and of the direct assistance they ...

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23 Tet

Rama to Prosecution over Tahiri's case: “You come from the Stone Age, put yourself together”.

PM Rama made a long and heavy statement in front of the Socialist parliamentary group, on Monday October 23rd, against the Albanian Serious Crime Prosecutor office as of its handling of the Tahiri/Habilaj case by saying that: “Where does it ...

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23 Tet

Cannabis, politics and family links: “who’s who” and the drug trafficking surge in Albania

Who are the Habilaj brothers and Dritan Zagani? How do they relate to the former socialist Minister of Interior? What is Rama’s official position and why family links are so important in the Habilaj – Tahiri scandal? How the Xibraka ...

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