Tags: "Germany"

14 Nën

German MFA Director for SEE, Christian Hellbach: Albania’s future EU integration lays on its advances on the five priorities. Abuse with political immunity should not impede justice in the case of concrete evidences.

In an interview given to the Deutche Welle on Nov.11th 2017, the Director for South-East Europe Department at the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Christian Hellbach, declared that Albania should invest itself towards concrete advancements as of the justice ...

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14 Tet

Revival of dictatorship’s symbols – DP seeking new legal framework with the support of KAS

The Albanian public opinion has been widely troubled by the recent coming-back appearance of Enver Hoxha’s portraits and of communist symbols during numerous public memorial activities. Albania is today the sole former communist European country where two former high-level communist ...

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