Tags: "justice reform"

21 Dhj

Why the unilateral appointment of a Temporary General Prosecutor is a threat to the future of the Justice reform and Albanian democracy?

Why the unconstitutional nomination of a Temporary General Prosecutor may be a threat for the future of the Justice reform and of the Albanian democracy? A short reminder of the facts is necessary to understand the dangerous impasse Albania is ...

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21 Dhj

Detailed information on the election process of the Temporary General Prosecutor in Albania

On 18.12.2017, following the proposal of 28 MPs, the ruling majority of the National Assembly appointed a new Temporary General Prosecutor whose mandate is indefinite [1]. The appointment was approved by 69 votes in favor, out of 140 members of ...

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23 Tet

The country needs urgently a United Opposition Front to end Rama’s criminal kidnapping of Albanian democracy.

Statement of the Chairman of the Democratic party of Albania, Mr. Lulzim Basha : “The Italian anti-mafia has recently presented legal evidences of the drug and weapons trafficking carried by the Habilaj brothers’ gang and of the direct assistance they ...

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23 Tet

Basha calls upon EU and US to react on Rama’s pressure against the judiciary.

PD leader Lulzim Basha has reacted immediately after Prime Minister Edi Rama’s attack on the prosecution. Basha called upon the EU and US to put pressure on PM Rama and the governing majority to immediately interrupt the campaign of threats ...

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23 Tet

Rama to Prosecution over Tahiri's case: “You come from the Stone Age, put yourself together”.

PM Rama made a long and heavy statement in front of the Socialist parliamentary group, on Monday October 23rd, against the Albanian Serious Crime Prosecutor office as of its handling of the Tahiri/Habilaj case by saying that: “Where does it ...

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23 Tet

Saimir Tahiri, former SP Minister of Interior, involved in drug trafficking arrest in Sicily (Italy)

The Guardia di Finanza of Sicily has arrested on October 16th 2017, a group of 11 persons from Albania and Italy involved in a criminal organization specialized in the drug trafficking between the two countries. The group was headed by ...

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